Cannabis Flowers

Same-Day Local Lower Mainland Delivery: Surrey, Delta, Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, Langley, Burnaby, Richmond, Pitt Meadows, Vancouver, Cloverdale, North Vancouver, Maple Ridge, Abbotsford, White Rock.

Cash and E-Transfer as Accepted Payments

Requirements to Qualify for Same-Day Local Delivery can be viewed here:

Just a reminder that there are requirements to qualify for same-day delivery, which you can view here:

Same-Day Local Delivery

If you’re not from British Columbia and want to try these our amazing products from Freshly Rated Cannabis (FRC) we provide Canada-Wide shipping.


$125 Ounce Mix & Match (AAA)

Original price was: $168.00.Current price is: $125.00.

1/4 Pound Mix & Match (AA)

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $290.00.

Donkey Butter AAA ($115/Oz)


Raw Rolling Paper
